Saturday, October 15, 2005

Strategy Talk

Raw Story has the transcript of Wesley Clark's Democratic Party radio address (given today).

While I agree wholeheartedly with Mister Clark's assessment of the administration's mishandling of the war, I don't see him offering anything we haven't already heard from Mister Bush. And though Clark criticizes the lack of a "real strategy," he doesn't offer one of his own.

And Clark's "There is no alternative to success in Iraq" sounds just as sloganistic to me as Bush's "stay the course."


I sincerely hope that Iraqi's overwhelmingly accept their constitution today. The solution lies with them, not with us.


  1. Her and several others, TL.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I'm really bummed about Clarks' waffling on Iraq. He seems like a bright enough guy and probably would hand any Republicans' ass back to them in any race -thats if Clark would wise up and get some better help.

  3. Well,

    I've said this before--I served under him in Kosovo, and I didn't campaign for him last time, and I won't the next time.

