Monday, October 03, 2005

Days of Future Past

As little as a year ago, I might have considered this futuristic fantasy by Chelicera a total piece of paranoid bunk. Now, I think it's time to pay very close attention to these sorts of concerns.
The decline of the United States was due to several factors which are obvious from the perspective of the 22nd century. However, even at the time, the weaknesses were well known; political and financial leaders chose to ignore the warning signs.

Just because you're paranoid…


  1. Ariadne,

    Can you expand on the college campus thing when you get a chance?


  2. When Karen asked me about this before writing it, I told her I really hadn't given much thought to writing futuristic dystopias.

    Funny thing is, she only ventures into the extrapolative stuff near the very end. Most of what she writes about has already happened.

    As for me, I would have put in a collaboration between government black ops and mind-controlling aliens who parasitize us with extraterrestrial earwigs.

  3. I think I've mentioned that in my version, the secret wielder of all power is a giant reptile who lives in a bunker miles beneath the White House named "Palmer Gross."

  4. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Ariadne, I'd be interested in hearing more about what's happening on college campuses, too. I had a young reader who swung by my political blog last spring, she tried to explain why she, a former "liberal," now believed in neoconservatism. Problem was, she couldn't really articulate her thoughts so she sent me over to "Cinnamon Stillwell," a young lady who writes for SanFrancisco Gate. It would appear Cinnamon has quite the following among the younger set. I think we dismiss the appeal of this "neoconservatism" at our own peril.


  5. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I clicked on the link, and it returned me right back to this blog. Is it possible some gremlin changed the link? It seems others were able to get the correct redirection.


  6. Lurch,

    I fixed the link.


    Thanks for the excellent analysis. You're welcome to dominate here anytime you like. ;-)


  7. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Oh, durn burn, Jeff. Thanks so much. TL: thanks for a really interesting article. I'm still cheewing it over.

    Ariadne: what Jeff said. You make it seem so transparent.

