Saturday, May 21, 2005

Kool Aid Mom on Goodwill Tour...

First Lady Laura Bush is on a solo goodwill tour of the Middle East. A WASHINGTON POST article quotes her as saying "I really, truly believe that we are as close as we have ever been to peace."

I'd really, truly like to believe that too, but the overwhelming burden of evidence indicates we've seldom been further from peace. There's virtue in positive thinking, but calling bull crap chocolate ice cream doesn't make it cold. And really, truly believing something doesn't make it real or true.



  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Razz here...
    I concur. Our First Lady should cut back on eating paste. As Richard Pryor so eloquently put it, when speaking about drugs, "That sh*t will make you null and void." Apparently library paste will, too.

  2. Yo, Razz, thanks for stopping by.

    My older friend Marge who was a career high school English teacher rants often about Laura Librarian who has a shrine to Doctor Seuss at the Bush ranch house.

    Marge questions the credibility of anyone who spent their life around great books and singles out Doctor Seuss as her literary idol. And I do too.

    Appreciate the post, lease come back again.



  3. I guess all those protesters didn't catch Laura Bush's monologue at the Washington Press Corps dinner, and don't realize what a funny, good time kind of gal she can be.

    Probably Newsweek's fault for not running a transcript of her speech.

    Thanks for posting, Cap.


