Monday, August 22, 2005

Pavlov's Dogs of War (Continued)

Noted military correspondent Thomas E. Ricks asserts that while the US military officer class has always been "conservative," it has not always been politically active. He cites sources that estimate fewer than one in 500 officer who served in the Civil War ever cast a ballot. For many decades, in fact, it was considered unprofessional for a military officer to take a serious interest in politics at all.
When did the officer class begin leaning toward active support of the Republican Party? My Vietnam vet friend thinks the phenomenon started during the Johnson administration, when officers began to resent the micromanagement of the war by LBJ and his Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. This makes a certain amount of sense, and coincides with another major shift in the American political scene. Many blame LBJ and his aggressive civil rights policies for losing the south to the GOP; and, not so coincidentally, the southern "red states" are and have traditionally been the primary source of military officer recruitment.

I joined the Navy and reported to Aviation Officer Candidate School in late 1980, two months before Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in the presidential election. The military had been under funded during the Carter years. Junior enlisted personnel were so poorly paid that Carter told them to go ahead and apply for food stamps, something officers and troops alike thought was a shameful state of affairs. (As an aside, naval aviators disliked that Carter had ended the practice of issuing traditional Navy leather flight jackets to them, which gives you an idea of where naval aviators' priorities lie.)

Carter's failed Iran hostage rescue attempt was also felt as an extreme embarrassment. In all, throughout the services, morale was horrible.

Reagan was hailed as a virtual messiah, and his increase of military funding seemed to cement the GOP as the "G.I. friendly" party in the military conscience. The overwhelming victory in Desert Storm under Bush Senior reinforced the notion, even though the post-Cold War downsizing took place on the elder Bush's watch.

And then came Clinton. His administration's apparent disdain for the military became a "perceived reality," and Clinton himself was never popular as a commander in chief. The Balkans and Kosovo conflicts did little to improve Clinton's image with the rank and file. Many believed that the Kosovo commitment was a "Wag the Dog" attempt at taking the public's mind off of the president's Oral Office Escapades.

I also sensed during that time resentment among the officer corps toward the four-star officers who served under Clinton, as if they were somehow betraying the uniform by taking high-level positions under an other-than-honorable administration.


Ironically, we're seeing something of a reversal of the trend in our present situation, largely due to a) the Iraq situation and b) Donald Rumsfeld.

Senior Army officers, both on active duty and retired, bristled at Rumsfeld's "my way or the highway" insistence on remaking the senior service into a lighter, faster force. These objecting voices became louder as the invasion of Iraq loomed. Such an excursion was unnecessary, these officers argued, and would constitute a diversion from the real goals of the War on Terror.

When the decision to invade had become seemingly irreversible, many of these officers--including then Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki--warned that Rumsfeld was planning to do so with too small a force. These active and retires officers were brushed out of office or worse.


My purely subjective observation is that the political view of the retired officer community is evenly split. One group believes (as I do) that the administration took the country into an ill-advised war, and is resentful that civilian leadership ignored the sound advice of senior military professionals who turned out to be right. This group also tends to consider that the generals who have remained on active duty are only there because they rolled over for Rummy.

The other camp, regardless of how it perceives the march to war and the way it was conducted, is of the opinion that what's past is past. We're at war now, and by golly we need to rally around the president and his advisers and see this thing through.

In this latter group is a core cell that "knew" Bush and his team went into Iraq with the intention of establishing bases to control the entire Middle East region and its oil. While they'll sometimes attempt to "defend" charges of the administration's cooking of WMD intelligence, they really don't care if it was cooked or not, nor does it particularly bother them that the administration misled the American pubic into a war it otherwise would not have bought off on.


One retired officer I know continues, even to this day, to deny that the insurgency is anything we need to take seriously. "It's no different than being in downtown Chicago," he once told me.

I asked him how many rocket attacks had been made on the Sears Tower in the past two years, or if over a thousand Chicago Policemen had been killed in the line of duty during that period.

He shrugged and ordered another beer.


My friend is typical of what I call Pavlov's Dogs of War. Once we're engaged in armed conflict (under a Republican administration), all other considerations go out window, and the only acceptable course of action is to "fight till we win," although, like Mister Bush, few of them can define what conditions might constitute "winning."

Unless you want to bring up that business about establishing permanent bases in Iraq and controlling the Middle East oil supply.


  1. "unless you want to bring up that business . . ."

    It's only a matter of time before everyone from the president on down to his media cronies acknowledge that truth, i.e., the only reason we're there is for the bases and the oil. They'll do it when they think the American public is too jaded to care any more, or when they think they can brainwash us into thinking that's okay. Thanks to Cindy Sheehan, that day may never come, God willing.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Mr. Huber---

    Saw your posts at Eschaton; nice blog. Are you perhaps from Pittsburgh originally? I went to grade school with some Hubers back in the day.

    Re your comments, this jibes pretty well with the attitudes of military personnel I know. (I am not in the services myself.) A fellow I count as a very good friend, just retired from the USNR, still hates Jimmy Carter with a passion. Re this war, he seemed to take the attitude that it didn't really matter whether Al Queda was in Iraq; we just had to hit SOMEBODY. And I could be sure that any time Newsmax carried a story about obsolete fighter planes buried in the desert, he would send me the link as "proof" that those ever-so-feared WMD's were there all along. We stopped corresponding when he asked me to stop sending him articles about contractors driving empty trucks around the desert to make money for Brown and Root.

    My best buddy has a stepson (LTJG)currently stationed out of San Diego. The guy I mentioned above has been something of a mentor for him; we all go to the same church. He put in some time out of Japan during which he did some interdiction duty in the Med and Persian Gulf. He's a sharp kid who believes in duty and honor to the Nth degree; I told him some stories about Grover Norquist and his comment was something like, "are there any SANE people actually running things?" I should have pointed him toward the PNAC website while I had his attention, but that might have been too much to swallow all at once.

    Whatever happens, keep it up. We need thoughful people like you in the defense establishment.

    --Captain Goto

  3. Doug--

    I'm thinking almost all the "anti-war" types are already aware of it, and a lot of the Pavlov's Dogs knew it from the beginning and don't care. Eventually, it will become clear to all the in-betweens. What happens then is anybody's guess.


    I've been asked several times if I'm related to the Pittsburg Hubers, but as far as I know, I'm not. (I'm from Illinois.)

    I often find myself torn about having retired when I did. Could I do anything about the present state of affairs if I were still in? The realistic answer is no. If Shinseki couldn't do anything about it, I certainly couldn't have.

    And I don't think I could in good conscience function as a senior officer is supporting this war.


    I'll write a little more on that subject tomorrow.

    Thanks for stopping by and posting. Don't be a stranger.


  4. Robert,

    My observation is that things changed a LOT during the Clinton years. He was blatantly not liked in the rank and file.


  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    My two cents...

    I was in Army Basic in '85 and the assertion I always seemed to get (from those that did not know any better I always thought) was that "...democrats will cut defense pay and spending" -but even the bright sparks repeating these mantras were careful about how they made their points as not to look like political advocacy.
