Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Home Again...

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Here's Shady and me visiting Greenville, South Carolina. In the background you can see Shoeless Joe Jackson's shoes.

I forget what I was whistling. "Dixie," maybe. ;-)


  1. Shady looks like a pup I used to have named "Trouble" lived up to her name, but was the sweetest most loyal dog ever.

  2. Shady gets a lot of attention when I travel with her. When people ask what she is, I typically either say "She's Daddy's girl" or "She's a Chesapeake Terrier."

    I'm not sure what she is--I think cockapoo with an extra serving of poodle. She's mutley, but to meet her you'd think she just won best of show at Westminster.

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    What my pappy called a "Heinz". Fifty-seven varieties...

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I somehow expected a G-1 to go with the glasses.


  5. Glad to see you back!! There's a ton of madness to write about, you gotta get busy, no rest for the wicked so I hear...

  6. MME,

    I still dig the AOs, but these days prefer the lightweight aspects of the Weatherproof bomber jackets. (Don't worry, I still have two G-1s hanging in the closet.


    I'll have the next bit of wickedness up sometime Thursday.

  7. Did you go to Death Valley and see a Clemson Game?
