May 10, 2011
by Jeff Huber
Bob: Okay, here’s Osama at home. He’s going for the remote. What’s that he’s saying to one of his sixty-seven kids?
Bob as Osama, Sr.: Step out of the way. I cannot see the images of myself with you in the way.
Bob as Osama, Jr.: Daddy hug! Daddy hug!
Bob as Osama, Sr.: No Daddy hug, you unholy spawn of an indolent wife.
Osama, Jr.: Daddy hug!
Osama, Sr.: Take this, you whoreson! (Bob makes gunshot sound)
Osama, Jr.: (Gasping, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth) I love you, Daddy! (Osama, Jr. dies).
Osama, Sr.: Someone come take this garbage away immediately!
(Five young women dressed in I Dream of Jeanie get ups scurry into the room, scoop up Junior and exit, wailing.)
Bob slash Osama, Sr.: And stop that infernal racket, you disgusting houris. I have to concentrate!
(Osama views videos of himself while Saget provides the internal monologue)
Osama, Sr: Yes, I can destroy the infidels in a holy global jihad. I am good enough, I am smart enough, and doggone it, people predisposed to martyrdom like me!
The bin Laden home video hysteria was but one piece of the demonization campaign revived by the Pentarchy’s bull feather merchants upon their target’s demise. Labeling an enemy as “evil” is a powerful propaganda weapon that most often turns back on you like a runaway torpedo. Invoking “evil,” like subscribing to any other intangible, leads to muddled, superstitious thinking, and that inevitably leads to defeat.
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"My fellow jihadists..." |
Neither Mo Dowd nor anyone else needs to justify killing bin Laden. But calling him evil because he killed thousands of Americans with a shoestring operation that should have been stopped by our law enforcement agencies long before any hijackers boarded an airplane is a masterpiece of rationalistic moralizing.
Bin Laden is responsible for the death of thousands all right, but he did so with a new twist on an old, old tactic called an “air raid” as the first strike of a war that he openly declared a good five years before Sept. 11, 2001. The last time we bothered to actually declare war before we attacked was in 1941.
Those “thousands” of Americans he killed as part of an act of declared war seem like a paltry casualty count compared to the tens and probably hundreds of thousands of innocents we have killed and maimed and the untold millions of lives we have destroyed since we had him pinned down at Tora Bora in Dec. 2001 (we only let him get away out of kindness, I suppose). Killing him finally, after nearly a decade doesn’t redeem the swath of destruction we created between then and now.
And calling him “evil” carries no more or less moral weight than he and his followers and the rest of the world that wishes we’d take a flying tackle at a rolling donut calling us “the great Satan.” In war, no matter whose side you’re on, you’re the good guys and they’re the bad guys, and God loves you and He hates them to pieces like meeces. Adolph Hitler believed God was on his side, as did Benito Mussolini. The Japanese believed that God was on their side because, heck, they believed their emperor was God, so who else’s side would God be on? (Heh!)
We killed a lot of Japanese and German civilians from the air in World War II, most notably at Nagasaki and Hiroshima and Dresden. Many argue that the A-bomb attacks on Japan were necessary, but in truth they were only necessary to terminate the war with an unconditional surrender. If we had offered the Japanese surrender on the terms we would up giving them anyway, they likely would have cut the bushido and thrown their hands up. Apologists for the annihilation of Dresden note that the city was a vital German military and an economic target. So…what kinds of targets were the Pentagon and the World Trade Towers?
Dead or alive, Osama bin Laden is, in my considered opinion, humanity’s all-time greatest military and political mastermind. With no navy or air force or army or even a defense budget he has managed to entangle the best-trained, best-equipped ever military of history’s mightiest nation in a self-defeating war that it can never win.
And it’s a war that we’ll never stop until we can somehow grow out of the asinine notion that name-calling makes for sound strategy.
Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) is author of the critically lauded novel Bathtub Admirals, a lampoon on America’s rise to global dominance.
On Sunday, May 8, 2011, at noon, the St. John the Evangelist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, was standing room only. It was First Communion for three dozen young parishioners, and relatives and friends had come from far and wide. Afterwards, missus charley told me she had overheard a conversation in the row behind us, between relatives of a young boy receiving his first communion that day - he had been praying for the soul of Osama bin Laden, because the boy felt compassion for him as he had to meet God carrying so heavy a burden of sin.
ReplyDeleteLater, on the radio, I heard President Obama saying to Steve Kroft, "As nervous as I was about this whole process, the one thing I didn’t lose sleep over was the possibility of taking bin Laden out. Justice was done. And I think that anyone who would question that the perpetrator of mass murder on American soil didn’t deserve what he got needs to have their head examined." And I thought, "After World War II the victorious Allies held trials for the Nazis at Nuremberg. Here in the 21st century we don't bother with formalities like that. O brave new world, that has such streamlined procedures in it!"
Well, actually, the modified quote from Shakespeare didn't pop into my mind as soon as I heard Obama - I just thought of the apparently unimportant difference between immediate people's justice, sometimes called "lynching", and something with a judge, defense attorney, etc.
In the interview with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes, Obama also pointed out how the U.S.'s moral superiority was shown by the care with which bin Laden's body had been disposed of, after he had been captured, and then summarily executed with gunshots to the head.
>>KROFT: Was it your decision to bury him at sea?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: It was a joint decision. We thought it was important to think through ahead of time how we would dispose of the body if he were killed in the compound. And I think that what we tried to do was, consulting with experts in Islamic law and ritual, to find something that was appropriate that was respectful of the body.
Frankly we took more care on this than, obviously, bin Laden took when he killed 3,000 people. He didn’t have much regard for how they were treated and desecrated. But that, again, is somethin’ that makes us different. And I think we handled it appropriately.<<
I recognize that hindsight is always 20/20, but notice how Obama is claiming clear foresight here. The option of taking bin Laden prisoner had been rejected. The plan for tossin' his corpse in the ocean was already worked out. Anyone who doubts whether bin Laden deserved his fate "needs to have his head examined." Given all this planning for likely eventualities, why couldn't they have planned to shoot him in the heart a few times, once they'd grabbed him, instead of in the head? The post-mortem pictures would have been much more presentable. It would have been much more feasible for bin Laden's head to have been examined. It's too late now, of course, but they ought to keep this in mind for the next Emmanuel Goldstein.
May the Creative Forces of the Universe stand beside us, and guide us, through the Night with the Light from Above - and have mercy on our souls, if any.
Thanks, Doc.
ReplyDeleteProbably the wittiest response to bin Laden's killing was by Jonathan Schwarz at A Tiny Revolution: "Lots of Americans were mad it took ten years for the government to kill bin Laden, but I think it was worth being extra careful to make sure no one else got hurt."
ReplyDeleteThat's quite good, Doc.
ReplyDelete"Apologists for the annihilation of Dresden note that the city was a vital German military and an economic target. So…what kinds of targets were the Pentagon and the World Trade Towers?"
ReplyDeleteThat's such a powerful quote, I'm going to boldly repeat it ad infinitum on the intertubes.
Let me know if you want credit, and I'll give it.
ReplyDeleteI'm always happy to take credit when my work is cited. Thanks for asking.
Well sir, this is one of your very,very best yet.
This should be required reading for every American. Of course most won't even bother. And we wonder why the country gets lead into the crap we are stuck in now.
Thank you for this excellent article.
Thank you, Charlie, for the kind words.
Well, at least we got a good T-shirt slogan out of the deal:
ReplyDelete"My country killed the world's most evil man, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt. And a bill for a trillion dollars."
Oh, and also this:
Pakistan may cut Nato's Afghan supply line after Osama bin Laden killing
Man, that's funny. Thanks, JP.