27 Sep. 2011
Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) writes at Pen and Sword. Jeff's novel Bathtub Admirals (Kunati Books), a lampoon on America's rise to global dominance, is on sale now.
by Jeff Huber
I’ve said for some time that the biggest
casualty of our woebegone Ism Wars may be our national cognizance. The lines between intelligence, news, gossip,
rumor and brainwash have faded like a hangover at happy hour, and the gap between reality and perception has never
been greater. Big Media has been the
dutiful echo chamberlain for Big War for so long that it may never again be possible
for Americans, by now hopelessly addicted to the slime from their TV sets, to clearly conceptualize the causes and consequences of our
fist-first foreign policy.
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Leon Panetta and Mike Mullen testify before the Senate. |
During an INFOWAR
opportunity last week, Leon “Uncle Leo” Panetta and Mike “Moon” Mullen,
the Pentarchy’s Click and Clack, told the Senate
Armed Services Clodhoppers that the recent attacks on the U.S. embassy in
Afghanistan were the evildoing of a terror networks relationship with the
intelligence service of Pakistan.
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Senator Lindsey Graham has always relied on the kindness of campaign contributors in the defense industry. |
Mullen, the son of a Hollywood publicity agent,
followed standard operating procedure and
weasel wordsmithed his way out of presenting anything anyone could call,
strictly speaking, a “lie.” He told
Blanche Graham and Joe Liebfraumilch and Senator Ex-Prisoner of War that the Hagqani terrorist network “acts as” a “veritable arm” of Pakistan’s
Internal Services Intelligence Agency aka “ISI.” You can drive the flat earth theory through
that kind of wiggle room.
Mullen didn’t offer any proof to back his claims
other than to cite “credible intelligence.”
Hey, Abbott. At what point since
9/11 have we had “credible” intelligence, civilian or military, in this
country? U.S. intelligence is to
intelligence what McDonalds is to food.
Our intelligence consists of bribing or beating sources into telling us
what we want to hear and/or weaving facts out of air molecules and selling them
to Congress and the public in packages designed by Mullen’s bull-feather merchant marines.
Mullen is invoking a variation on Don Rumsfeld’s one-percent doctrine. If one percent of anything
the likes of Mullen says is true—and one can reasonably infer that yes,
Pakistan’s ISI is up to things they’d rather we didn't know about—then we have
to buy the other 99 per-cent of their message too. It’s kind of like the colossus cosmetics
company that only allows retailers to carry its top-of-the-line products if
said retailers also display said colossus cosmetics company’s crud-ola. We only have one military, and if we don't
allow it to defend us from the 99 percent of our enemies that they manufacture, they won’t protect us
from the one percent that are real.
Uncle Leo hurled a healthy helping of hamana hem-and-haw onto the heap about how “we should put as much pressure as we can”
on Pakistan, and then he cut to the chase and said that if Congress forces the
Pentagon to cut its budget it will cause “catastrophic damage to the
military.” Uncle Leo didn’t bother to
explain what “catastrophic damage” meant any more than Moon troubled himself to
clarify what a “veritable arm” might be or how it might “act as” anything.
When you take a fire hose to Click and Clack's cockamamie presentations,
you get "we need more money so we can continue to send American troops to third
world countries that pose no genuine threat to us to act as targets for our
enemies there who increase in number every day we keep American troops in their
countries." Neither Click nor Clack nor anyone in Congress nor the newspapers bother to point out the obvious truth that thee enemies who are killing our troops would stop being enemies the moment we took our troops out of their
country. The only way they can kill our
troops is if we deliver our troops to their doorstep. Despite what young Mr. Bush's spin physicians used to tell us, the only way they can fight us over here is if they manage to jump or swim across the oceans.
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Let's play war! |
Panetta and Mullen are engaged in something I
identified in Bathtub
Admirals as “play war.” Intelligence
weenies tell bathtub admirals and sandbox generals what they want to hear so
they can play war, and fight among themselves for control of the toy ships and
tanks and airplanes and melting plastic soldiers, and to see who can suck up to
the bedroom politicians the most and become master of the known universe (aka
“become King David Petraeus”). Play war
assumes many guises, from stacked “battle experiments” whose purpose is to
prove the need for the newest and costliest weapons systems to wars against
countries that don’t have militaries to toys and games that the warmongery
fashions to make war seem no more real than reality television
The latest play war toy to surface in the “real
world” is something called the “Obama
Kills Osama” (aka “OKO”) action figurine.
It was supposedly cooked up by some kooks in China to commemorate the 10th
anniversary of 9/11. The figurine is cheesy to the point of obscenity. The keyboard commandos who populate
Military.com object to the figurine, but not because of its repellant portrayal
of violence. They don’t like it because
it gives Obama credit for killing bin Laden, and not SEAL Team Six. The repellent violence part they actually kind of like.
On that note, here is a snippet from the work in progress on Sandbox Generals:
Calling the “enemy” World Wide Evil (aka WWE) was Flip’s idea and he stole it from World Wide Entertainment, the fake professional wrestling franchise. The subconscious association Flip created exploited Americans' latent tendency to think of war the same way they thought of professional wrestling: as an entertainment. The main difference between the two was that though Americans knew professional wrestling was fake they managed to sufficiently suspend their disbelief to respond to it emotionally as if it were real. Americans knew that war, on the other hand, was real, but they tended to regard it as entertainment, and attached little emotion at all to it. Even graphic pictures of babies horribly burned by sulfur bombs seldom moved Americans, whose minds had come to equate the war violence they observed in the news with the special effects they saw in movies and television and video games.
We have met the barbarians, and they are us.